segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011

Royal Charity

I have nothing against royal families even because in Portugal, fortunately, we have none, each country knows how they want to spend their taxes, to be represented and if they like having a royal family to represent them and gossip around their lives specially due to sensacionalists magazines and newspapers...well that's their problem!
The point of this post is just one: I was reading a gossip magazine my mum bought, just for curiosity, when I saw a "new" about the amazing Kate Middleton, who seems to be very kind and nice: she went to a charity dinner (wich is something cool to do!) with a dress of a stylist of course, and there's nothing new about that or strange or scandalous I know, but in the magazine it was written that the dress cost more than 4 000 EUROS!!!
I don't really know if that dress was bought by the royal family or not and I really don't even care that much, but if it wasn't offered by the stylist Jenny Packham here's my piece of advice for you Kate: next time you are invited for some event that says whatever charity, instead  of thinking hours and hours about what to dress, use the money which you would buy the millionaire dress to actually give it to charity and wear something less expensive ok? you know royality should only wear the official dresses once so this habit can become a bit expensive for the english taxpayers even because there is something going on all around that is called economical and financial crisis and besides, you don't need to cover yourself in gold we all know you are a princess.

And just to let you know the belove princess Kate Middleton wears fur! Which makes her a bloody minded celebretie, just another vain and frivolous cruel bitch with no compassion!
(As it was not enough the Royal guards wearing real bear's fur dumb hats!!!).

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